“Touch is as vital to our existence as food. It is the first sense we develop, our first and most primal communication, and the only sense without which we cannot survive.” -Alaine Duncan, Tao of Trauma
When clinically helpful, and only if the client is fully comfortable with doing so, we may integrate Somatic Touch (ST) into our sessions. Somatic Touch is not a massage and is done fully clothed either sitting in a chair or lying on a massage table. ST can be a very effective way to help the body find its way into more ease and build the client’s capacity to track sensations. Clients develop their ability to resource and differentiate through a variety of forms of simple contact.
Developed in part by Kathy Kain, Somatic Touch supports the restoration, stabilization, and integration of sustainable states of wellbeing. The goal of ST is to support clients in stabilizing the restorative physiology in the body so that the full range of the human condition can be experienced.
Somatic Touch utilizes the attention and intention of mindful attuned contact to support a safe and relational container in which the client can integrate movement from stress, overwhelm, or fright towards regulation and resiliency.
ST can be especially supportive in working with symptoms of early childhood, developmental and relational trauma. Oftentimes, these symptoms occurred from adverse experiences pre-verbally; before we learned to talk. Somatic Touch offers a safe and relational way to make sense of sensations, symptoms, pain and injury, that might have happened when we were very young and still wiring neurologically.
Many of the traumas that live in our bodies derive from relational wounding, either in our lifetimes and immediate family systems, or intergenerationally, or in our larger socio-cultural system that oppressed or abused us.
Often these adverse experiences leave us feeling relationally disconnected or dissatisfied; feeling too close, too far away or both.
If you’d like to schedule a session, please contact us. We have two Somatic Experiencing Practitioners trained in Somatic Touch.
Developed in part by Kathy Kain, Somatic Touch supports the restoration, stabilization, and integration of sustainable states of wellbeing. The goal of ST is to support clients in stabilizing the restorative physiology in the body so that the full range of the human condition can be experienced.
Somatic Touch utilizes the attention and intention of mindful attuned contact to support a safe and relational container in which the client can integrate movement from stress, overwhelm, or fright towards regulation and resiliency.
ST can be especially supportive in working with symptoms of early childhood, developmental and relational trauma. Oftentimes, these symptoms occurred from adverse experiences pre-verbally; before we learned to talk. Somatic Touch offers a safe and relational way to make sense of sensations, symptoms, pain and injury, that might have happened when we were very young and still wiring neurologically.
Many of the traumas that live in our bodies derive from relational wounding, either in our lifetimes and immediate family systems, or intergenerationally, or in our larger socio-cultural system that oppressed or abused us.
Often these adverse experiences leave us feeling relationally disconnected or dissatisfied; feeling too close, too far away or both.
If you’d like to schedule a session, please contact us. We have two Somatic Experiencing Practitioners trained in Somatic Touch.