Deep Listening Workshop with Karima Walker
Deep Listening is a meditative and musical compositional practice developed by the late contemporary composer Pauline Oliveros, utilizing listening, moving and dreaming to expand one’s awareness of the wider environment, as well as one’s own inner and bodily awareness. Deep Listening can be a really helpful tool for just about anyone, but especially artists and creative folks who want to broaden their sensory and cognitive range in approaching their creative work. In this workshop, we will be touching on each of the Deep Listening modalities: sounding and listening, movement and dreaming alongside each other and the environment around us as we transition from day to night.
Come ready for gentle movement, with a yoga mat or blanket and a journal and writing utensil. We will be inside and outside, please be willing to mask for any inside portions of the workshop.
Date: Friday, June 9th
Time: 7 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Outdoor Classroom Click here for directions to Equinimity.
# of Participants: Up to 20
Fee per Session: $25 to $50 NOTAFLOF (No One Turned Away For Lack of Funds) REGISTER HERE
Presenter: Karima Walker