Somatic Experiencing Skill Building Group
Please note:
- We will be meeting virtually and monthly on the 2nd Friday of the month. 10:30 - noon (AZ time which for the Fall daylight savings time is PST and for the spring it’s PST).
- Alexandra Whitney will be joining us and co-facilitating.
Our intent is to grow community as we share our SE case clients. 2020 has shown how isolated we can feel. Especially when trying to practice something new or refine skills, it’s really nice to receive support in our case work. We all grow when we share our work together.
Alexandra is a dear friend and the person who created the SCOPE tool that is on the SEI website. She was the inspiration, vision, and director of Returning Home, the one-of-a-kind SE retreat for Veterans that took place in Maine in 2019. She is one of the two people that work for Peter’s organization, Ergos and is ever diligently behind-the-scenes working with Melisa and Peter to organize Peter’s offerings particularly to the Community Health SE programs. She also has an extensive background in Buddhist practices - having lived in Thich Naht Hahn’s Plum Village. She brings a lovely grounded energy, beautiful heart compassion, and is well-practiced at creating community.
As I journeyed into a deep curiosity of “what’s next” and “what’s needed” for 2021, five words touched into everything. Deep Relationships. Grow as Community. This is at the heart of what I will be dedicating my intention and attention to this year and in following years.
Alexandra and I are both interested and dedicated to building a container around coherence and community and support a group process that grows together through somatic, presence, resonance and co-regulation practices. We believe that as we come together to share and process our cases, not only will we all grow in our skills, but we will also feel a deeper sustainability. This is in service of touching intentionally into a deeper humanity that is healing and resourced relationally.
The first 5-ish mins of each group will begin with a grounding practice of guided meditation, body scan or somatic practice. Then we will open the floor for case sharing and processing. We invite a collaborative approach. We will strive to have the last 5 minutes of each group end with a shared practice that also supports coherence, presence and resonance.
In addition to inviting the sharing and processing of cases, we will be covering different topics such as:
- medical trauma/ventilators,
- early childhood and relational trauma,
- early childhood development,
- working with touch,
- chronic pain,
- working with GHIA,
- tools for trauma.
The topics will be posted on the website.
We look forward to growing with you !!
This class will be held virtually!
This consult group is open to any SEP or SE student currently working with clients - all modalities welcome; psychotherapy, body work, movement, fitness, coach, alternative medicine, allopathic medicine, artist, etc.
The cost is 25$, but the scale is sliding (pay what you can) and no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
To pay, please donate here and make sure you note which class you are signing up for in the notes.
Topic: Skill Building Group
Second Friday of each month
10:30AM-12:00PM pST
May 14th
June 11th
July 9th
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 9713 6805
This consult group is open to any SEP or SE student currently working with clients - all modalities welcome; psychotherapy, body work, movement, fitness, coach, alternative medicine, allopathic medicine, artist, etc.
The cost is 25$, but the scale is sliding (pay what you can) and no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
To pay, please donate here and make sure you note which class you are signing up for in the notes.
Topic: Skill Building Group
Second Friday of each month
10:30AM-12:00PM pST
May 14th
June 11th
July 9th
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 9713 6805
Somatic Experiencing Touch Skill-Building Group:
Facilitated by Barbara Collier, this group offers hands-on, educational, and theoretical support to further develop your somatic touch skills. Open to practitioners of any modality who have studied with Kathy Kain.
(Our SE Touch Skill building group is currently on pause.)
monthly Somatic rhythm and movement practice: Connect to the rhythm of the body.
All of life has qualities of rhythm, flow, and movement. This series of classes is offered to support connection to these qualities in ourselves and support the vitality of embodied movement. Come join us for a monthly sampling of movement practices that support people in developing and exploring ways to access rhythm, flow, and embodied presence inside themselves. Most classes will be held outside, weather permitting.